5th Oct 2013: Icône et icônographie dans l’art des Premières Nations/Icon and Iconography in First Nations Art

“Bringing the expertise of few to many through dialogue.”Professor Norman Cornett@

La Guilde canadienne des métiers d’art présente un événement en 2 volets.
Samedi 5 octobre à 14h
Église St-Andrew et St-Paul – 3419 rue Redpath, Montréal
Panel animé par le Professeur Norman Cornett
Artistes invités :
Ginette Aubin, graveur et peintre malécite
Denis Charette, sculpteur et graveur algonquin
Christine Sioui, sculpteure et peintre abénakis
RSVP : 514-849-6091 (Places limitées)
Une exposition rassemblant les oeuvres de ces artistes est présentée à la Guilde jusqu’au 12 octobre.
Visite commentée de l’exposition le samedi 28 septembre de 11h à 13h par le Professeur Cornett.
Pour réservation : professor.normancornett@gmail.com ou au 514-256-2483
Pour un aperçu de l’exposition, visitez : www.guildecanadiennedesmetiersdart.com

The Canadian Guild of Crafts presents an event in two parts:
Saturday, October 5th at 2:00 p.m.
Church of St-Andrew and St-Paul – 3419 Redpath St., Montreal
Moderator: Professor Norman Cornett
Invited artists:
Ginette Aubin, Maliseet, printmaker
Denis Charette, Algonquin, sculptor and printmaker
Christine Sioui, Abenaki, sculptor and painter
RSVP: 514-849-6091 (Places limited)
An exhibition featuring works by these artists is presented at the Guild until October 12.
An exploratory visit of this exhibition with Professor Norman Cornett on Saturday, September 28 from11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Please reserve at: professor.normancornett@gmail.com or by phone 514-256-2483

To view images of this exhibition, visit our website: www.canadianguildofcrafts.com

Guilde canadienne des métiers d’art
Canadian Guild of Crafts
1460, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Suite B
Montréal (Québec) H3G 1K4
514.849.6091           F 514.849.7351
www.canadianguildofcrafts.com Suivez-nous sur Facebook
Follow us on Facebook

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1 Response to 5th Oct 2013: Icône et icônographie dans l’art des Premières Nations/Icon and Iconography in First Nations Art

  1. Diana Perera says:

    The forum was enriched by the questions raised, the excellent preparatory essays of our contributors and the sacred and secular responses by the three artists that established the importance of the visual arts in Identity and cultural preservation.

    It had been our request that the panel open with the three singular voices of our guests, led by Professor Cornett on the subject employed. And that issues such as stereotypical representation,
    exclusion of representation, appropriation, and Iconic representation within the western framework of popular culture be explored. Although these histories were not developed on topic,
    the discourse stimulated by the perception and understanding of said given works invited dialogue on the methods of perception and the graphics therein. Refreshing.
    Diana Perera

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